Communication Genetics
Data Security & Email Encryption

Data Security & Email Encryption Experts

Privacy issues, secure data and consistent communication all play a vital part in any business communication strategy. Send your customers messages that instil the confidence that they can trust your systems by encrypting and protecting your customers electronic data. Secure mobile communication is essential, your customer would prefer to do their business on the go. You can be the business that gives them that security. Our encrypted communications solutions will keep data secure over emails, file transfers and mobile devices.

Ensure that your customer communication management strategy has a secure flow of data and guarantee origin, authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity of the data in every application scenario and on the preferred customers device.

Benefits include:

Communication Genetics


Encryption of all data. Compliance with regulations such as GDPR / POPIA. Automation prevents human errors. Traceability for audits through logging. Failover due to high availability.

Communication Genetics


Simple and intuitive operation. Seamless integration into work routine UX-optimized user interfaces. No training required. Without plug-ins.

Communication Storage & Archive


Use of industry standards Software, virtual or hardware appliance On premise, Managed Service, Cloud Numerous interfaces to third-party systems Scalable and extensible

Advantages for your business:

When corporate data falls into the wrong hands, this often results in financial losses and negative effects on the company's image. Our solutions ensure the secure flow of data and guarantee origin, authenticity, confidentiality and integrity of the data in every application scenario.

Totemo Email Encryption

Secure and simple e-mail communication. Easily send encrypted e-mails with Kiteworks. The flexible and innovative solution for e-mail security all around.

Totemo Secure File Transfer

Secure and simple data transfer. Easily and secure data transfer with Kiteworks. File transfer from person to person and system to system made easy.

Totemo Secure Mobile Communication

Secure and simple mobile communication. Simply safe on the move with Kiteworks. Email encryption and file transfer independent of location and device.

Contact us for a tailored solution to build your customers loyalty.